Saturday 10 January 2015

Cathedral fix: St Edmundsbury

I couldn't let my Christmas break in the south-east of England go by without another fix for my cathedral habit. So during a shopping trip to Bury St Edmund's I abandoned my family for an hour and went to visit the cathedral of St Edmundsbury. I hadn't seen this cathedral before, and my first impressions were of vivid colours and complex, almost Moorish patterns. The low afternoon sun created beautiful highlights and shadows. 

St Edmund must have been an animal lover. Possibly an imaginative one? This is his throne.

The ceilings here are particularly lovely, and I appreciated the clever hinged mirror, below, which allows visitors to see them clearly, without lying on their backs on the floor (...which I have done in other places, but which tends to attract a lot of concerned attention...)

And so, back to H&M to spectate at my nieces' fashion parade, as they decided how to spend their Christmas vouchers...

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